Monday, May 30, 2011

The Cherry Creek Prophecies.. Parts 5 - 7 ( Unrevised)

Distant warning.

It has almost reached the point to where it has become an expectation for him. Every time that he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, familiar images begin to take shape in the world of Daniel Vickers dreams. Each time taking a different tone. Now there is no sound, there are no voices to answer his questions, this time it is almost as if he is there in the heart of Pleasantville. Even though he knows that he has never been. The images that he sees this time are very different, they are outlined with the faint remnants of a white haze, as though he were looking at a faded picture. It is almost dark here as he sees the black truck with the broken side mirror, pull into the alley behind Tanners drug store off of Main street in Pleasantville. It slowly rolls to a stop and he sees the arm of what appears to be a male extend itself from the drivers side window. The hand beckons to someone that he doesn’t immediately see, until the form of young Jennifer Watson appears at the side of the vehicle. She seems to recognize the unseen occupant of the truck and smiles as she walks around to the passenger door and slowly opens it. Almost as if on cue, she looks back in the direction of Daniel Vickers and offers him a smile as well. He feels his entire body freeze in place as he tries in vain to move towards her, to prevent her from getting into the vehicle. He tries to call out to her but he cannot. “Jennifer dear god No!! don’t get into the truck!” he tries to muster the words, but in vain, his voice falls silent. And Daniel Vickers now finds himself in an all too familiar posture. He is on his hands and knees on the cold wet surface of the alleyway, in the pouring rain, sobbing uncontrollably.. For he knows that he has just witnessed the final moments of Jennifer Watson’s life.

The Road Of Crows.

He slowly pulls the cigarette to his lips as he ponders Sharon Milner’s question. “And throughout the dreams.. She never mentioned a name of who may have possibly killed her?” He exhales the smoke and slowly shakes his head no.
“She only got close enough to speak to me a couple of times in the dreams.”
“And you don’t recall her ever mentioning a name”
“No.. she never does.. The first time I heard her speak, it was like she was playing some kind of child’s game and she kept repeating ‘White hats are a lie, don’t ever believe them’ she kept saying it. Over and over again. Then the last time she spoke of Justice.”
She pulls over the Chevy just twenty five yards from the turn onto Crow’s Crossing Road, it is the only way for them to reach Pleasantville from there. But Sharon Milner has heard many a strange tale of the road of crows, and its Daniels turn to drive so she would rather sleep through the experience. They both get out to stretch their legs, the rain has momentarily stopped, they both slowly walk over to the road sign and stare silently down at the lonely two lane black top. It almost seems deserted, there are no vehicles coming or going, and the horizon seems dark to Sharon Milner, dark and ominous. She turns to face Daniel Vickers.
“It’s your turn to drive Danny.. I ain’t tackling C.C.R.”
She pauses to light her own cigarette and jerks her thumb at the green and white road sign.
“Do you suppose that Cherry Creek could be somewhere on C.C.R.?”
He Shrugs his shoulders.
“I dunno Shar.. its just a road to me. Get in.. I’ll take it from here.”
They switch places after he assures her that he is now very much awake and capable of taking the wheel. She slowly eases into a restful position and he pulls onto the turn as she drifts off to sleep. Daniel himself has heard the stories of this magical stretch of road as well, and as his thoughts return to Jennifer Watson, her wonders to himself how her story will someday fit into the lore of the haunted stretch of highway called Crows Crossing Road. It almost seems too peaceful to him here, as the rolling hills and the seemingly endless miles upon miles of woodlands slowly roll by as he takes them closer to Pleasantville. In the back of his thoughts he returns to the words of the beautiful young girl he has come to know as Jennifer Watson, he once again can almost feel her cold crisp breath roll across his warm skin in a soft whisper.
“Tell me Please.. What do you want from me?”
“Justice Daniel.. Give me… Justice..”


He is surprised to find that Pleasantville looks very much like it did in his last dream. It has a slightly southern picturesque quality, and yet has that unmistakable underlying creepiness to it that keeps tugging at one’s subconscious. He doesn’t take them directly into the city limits right away, he instead decides to try his hand at getting them both rooms on the out skirts of town. It is a place called “The No Tell Motel” he smirks to himself at the obviousness of the title and softly nudge’s Sharon Milner on the shoulder. She sits up slowly and stretches her muscles. She smiles at Daniel Vickers.
“Honey… We’re home.” He says jokingly.
She winks at him.
“Well.. You picked one hell of a place for us to spend our honeymoon.”
They enter the motel office and are almost immediately greeted an older gray haired gentleman named ‘Stanly.’
“What can I do for you Kids?”
He offers them a less than friendly smile through tar and nicotine stained teeth. Daniel steps forward.
“We’ll be needing a couple of rooms if you have any vacancies.”
Sharon Milner offers the conversation little in the way of interest as her eyes slowly scan over the view of the town from the motel office’s doorway.
There is a church steeple that looms atop the middle of the small gathering of buildings that form the general downtown area of Pleasantville. A mixture of fog and clouds loom just above the rooftops, the whole scene casts a disturbingly dark shadow over the entire image, that makes her want to crawl into a deep pit and hide.
He steps up beside of her and dangles her room key in front of her face.
“Well there isn’t much to it is there kitten?”
She rolls her eyes at him.
“Lets just hope they have a decent place to eat Dan. I would hate to have to choke you to death before our wedding night.”
He smiles.
“Now that’s the Sharon Milner that I know and love.”
He helps her with her bags before retrieving his own from the trunk. They lock everything into the rooms and return to the Chevy. Where Sharon drives them to the first diner that they find. Pleasantville is as dark and dreary up close as it is from a distance she thinks as they enter The Main Street Diner where a short pudgy middle aged waitress almost immediately ushers them into a booth. They both settle in as she brings them hot coffee. And Sharon irritably begins a soft low rant about the creepiness of the whole situation until she notices that Daniel Vickers either isn’t listening or is no longer capable of hearing her. A familiar stare crosses over his face as he slowly rises to his feet, and when the black pickup truck with the broken side mirror slowly rolls past the front window of the Main Street Diner, Daniel Vickers face looks as if he’s seen a ghost.

One More Clue.

It is now harder than ever for him to tell the difference between what is real and what is part of the dream. It seems to him that the images that she shares with him are becoming more complex , the messages contained in the images more convoluted. It is a warm sunny day here, although he can’t feel the warmth, the air still seems cold as he follows her through the alley’s of Pleasantville. He calls to her but she doesn’t answer, finally he catches up to her in the alley next to the drug store. The air becomes colder now.
“Jennifer please wait.”
She slowly stops and turns to face him. Daniel Vickers approaches the beautiful young girl, and she doesn’t move.
“You have to tell me what happened to you sweetie.. I’m flying blind here.. There’s so much that I-”
She smiles.
“You will know why you Daniel soon.. Very soon.”
He bends down and slowly extends his hands to her, his fingers barely touch her hair when the tall dark figure appears suddenly from behind her and wraps its arms around her waist and begins to pull her into the shadows. Daniel grabs hold of her wrist, and tries in vain to pull her free from it. Slowly the shadows begin to take her and as he feels his bare feet sliding along the cold wet surface. He knows that he can’t save her, her wrist slips free from his grasp, and as he falls He sees it from out of the shadows towering above her, a white cowboy hat. He can feel her voice again.
“The answers are in the book Daniel.. Find the book and you will find the answers.”

Calling Miss Watson.

It is 6:00 am in Pleasantville. And Daniel Vickers finds himself standing next to the phone booth nearest Spencer’s hardware store just a half of a block from Main street. He ruffles through the pages of the phone book that dangles from a chain attached to the booth. He stops at the W’s, and slowly moves his right index finger down along the column of names. He pauses to look up to see if Sharon Milner has met with success in finding them some quarters to make phone calls with. Finally he sees her as she turns the corner and moves along the side walk towards him. The look of discomfort on her face almost draws a smile to his lips.
“Well.. Good morning again sunshine.. I trust you found some quarters?”
She thrusts the small pile of coins into his waiting palms, as she makes a small uncomfortable grunting sound.
“There.. That’s all I could get.. Thank God that this shit hole has a twenty four hour 7- 11. Who would have thought that we would both have the same piece of crap Cell phone and both batteries would be dead at the same frickin time.”
He pauses to study her through the soft plume of misty breath emanating from her lips. She gives him a irritated look, and jerks both hands up in frustration.
“So? Did you find any names?”
“There are seven listings in Pleasantville for the name of Watson. Two of them are male.”
“Ok.” she tells him. “But here’s the drill sweetie pie. If anyone answers. You can’t say ‘Did You have a daughter named-’ you have to speak of her as if she’s still alive. They may not know what happened to her Dan. We have to be respectful. You may only get one shot at this. I have a feeling in my gut Danny. Its going to be her Mother that we find.”
He tries the first three numbers. The two males have no idea what he’s talking about. The third is a woman that remembers reading the name of Jennifer Watson in the newspapers about five and one half years ago, but is not a relative and doesn’t have any knowledge of that particular family. He looks down at the remaining quarters, and then turns to Sharon Milner.
“Four left..”
He drops two more quarters into the slot and dials the number for Miss Angela Watson of 334 Rivercrest drive. A middle aged female voice softly offers him a hello.
“Hello? Umm. Miss Watson? Ma’am.. You don’t know me, but I have to ask you an important question, ma’am please don’t hang up.”
He fumbles to find the right words, when he just comes out and asks the complete stranger on the other end of the conversation if she has a daughter named Jennifer who has been missing for five and one half years. But it is when he can almost feel the pain in her voice that he knows he has found Jennifer’s mother. She reluctantly agrees to meet with them and gives them directions to the Watson residence.

The Reason.

The house is white and is surround by a slightly faded picket fence, and has neatly manicured shrubs that outline the small stone porch that leads them to the front door of the Watson residence. He pauses to catch his breath as Sharon Milner takes in the surreal scene. She nods, and Daniel rings the door bell. almost immediately they are greeted by a very slender well groomed middle age woman with long blond hair, who offers them a seemingly forced smile and lets them into her home. At where Daniel tells her the whole story about the dreams and all of his vivid images of her daughter, and she sits patiently and surprisingly collected as she listens to Daniel Vickers tale.
A silence falls over the room as he finishes the whole story. She doesn’t ask them to leave.
“Mr. Vickers.. I don’t know you.. I don’t know why or how you can describe my daughters image so vividly. Now let me tell you my story. I have known for- well.”
She pauses.
“Since the very beginning really.. I know my daughter is dead.. And I also know that someone.. Somewhere.. did a terrible thing to her.. And that person is still walking amongst us free as a bird. And now here you are.. Out of the blue. A complete and utter stranger to me.. And you say that you have seen my daughter in your dreams.. And she has asked you to come here from god only knows where.. To do what Mr. Vickers?”
He stands looking at her.
“To find out what happened to her.. Miss Watson.. I don’t expect you to believe me.. Hell.. I can barely believe it myself. But I know I can’t rest until I figure this whole thing out.. I- no.. we, came all of the way from Beaumont Miss Watson, all because your daughter asked this of me , she wants justice, and whether anyone believes me or not, I have to find out what happened to her. Because the longer this goes on Miss Watson, I can’t do this simply because she cries out for justice.. I have to do this because she deserves justice.”
A curious look comes over the face of Angela Watson.
“Beaumont..” she says softly as if talking to herself. “Jennifer’s father lives in Beaumont. I haven’t heard from him in years.”
She rises and offers them a cup of coffee as he wanders over to a wall of pictures. It is there that he and Sharon see the first real images of young Jennifer Watson. Angela brings them the coffee and Sharon Milner thanks her as she pours Daniel and herself a cup.
“Danny? Sweetie The coffee is ready.”
He turns to face them, his face slowly turning slightly pale.
“Miss Watson?.. Who is the man in this picture? The one standing with you in front of the Victorian?”
She walks up beside of him.
“That man Mr. Vickers?”
He slowly Nods.
“Why That’s Jennifer’s daddy.. Evan.. Evan Daniels.”
He turns to face her fully.. The color slowly coming back to his face.
“Miss Watson.. This is going to sound crazy to you.. But I now know why your daughter contacted me.”
She blinks giving him a blank stare as Sharon Milner now appears at his side.
“Miss Watson.. The man with you in that picture… his name was Evan Vickers not Evan Daniels. I know this because he was my father.”

Slightly Out of Focus.

She remembered it as being a particularly cold day on the last morning that she saw her daughter alive. Angela Watson always took a chill rather easily and wore extra clothing that morning before she’d went to the market. She’d left Jennifer there alone on several occasions and had seen no cause for alarm when she’d left her daughter standing at the doorway wearing her long white nightgown. In fact she remembered commenting to her that the air outside was much too cold for such attire and she’d needed to go back inside the house and close the door. It was the last time she seen her in five years. Even now she seemed remarkably composed as Daniel related to her in exact detail every comment she’d made to him in the dream. The Scribbling on the papers, the vivid imagery that he’d painted on the walls of his fathers den. They talked through the morning piecing things together about Jennifer.. About Evan Vickers.. They’d went over the writings several times painstakingly examining every word in an attempt to jog a familiar image in Angela Watson’s memory, but it wasn’t until Sharon Milner reminded him of the book that Jennifer had spoken of in his last dream. Angela Watson’s confusion slowly began to grow.
“A book?.. My daughter spoke of a book?”
“Yes Miss Watson. Did she collect books? She said specifically.. ‘Find The book and you will find the answers’ .”
She takes them into Jennifer’s room and they examine her book shelf. Treasure Island.. The Complete Adventures of Tom Sawyer.. Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys.. Among others. But nary a book out of place.
“And nothing is missing? Daniel asks.
Angela Watson shakes her head no.
Daniel begins to pace back and forth in front of the book case.
“The answer is here somewhere.” He tells them. “It has to be.”
Angela Watson and Sharon Milner return to the kitchen to make a new pot of coffee leaving Daniel Vickers to wrestle with the possibilities. He sits on the edge of her bed. And suddenly he begins to think of the beautiful sixteen year old girl in a new light.
“She was MY little sister.. And someone took her from us.”
His eyes slowly return to scanning every inch of the bedroom.
“Ok.. So what am I missing here?”
He returns to the parlor to find the two women laboring over his writings.. The phrase “White hats are a lie.” repeated throughout the text. Miss Watson again shakes her head.
“I don’t see the significance Daniel.” She tells him. “A lot of people around here wear a lot of different white hats.”
“No Ma’am. I think that Jennifer was talking about something specific. It wouldn’t be a ordinary thing.. It seems to me that it would be something that stands out.”
He returns to the bedroom to look over the books, once again leaving the women to ponder the significance of white hats.

Dark Reflection.

They mull over it for several more hours until their tired brains can take no more, and Daniel has to take the initiative and volunteer to take the two women to dinner. To which of course Sharon Milner gleefully accepts.
“Alrighty Dan, as long as your buying.. But no more diner food, I want a nice sit down and relax dinner, and I’ll just bet the Miss Watson could use one too.”
He raises his hands playfully.
“Hey.. I know when I’m out numbered. What do you say Miss Watson. Your town.. You pick the restaurant .”
They close up the house and retire to the Chevy and Angela Watson directs them to The Flamingo Palace. A small but elegant eatery just at the outskirts of Pleasantville. As they pull into the parking lot an odd yet familiar feeling begins to tug at him.
“Man where have I seen this place before?”
Disregarding the feeling as an odd coincidence, he escorts the two ladies to the door where they enter into the establishment and are told by the Maitre’ d that they are not terribly busy and they can be seated without having made reservations shortly. And as they are being escorted to their table a faint reflection on the window pane catches the eye of Daniel Vickers. The image of a tall blonde middle aged man wearing a white flat brimmed cowboy hat with a black headband just above the brim. As they are being seated he draws the attention of Angela Watson to the hat.
“Miss Watson?.. Do you recognize that man over there?”
She trains her attention on the man in the hat.
“Why yes.. That’s deputy Tyler Malloy. He’s lived around here for almost seventeen years now. Everybody knows Tyler.”
Daniel leans forward, closer to Angela Watson.
“Miss Watson did Jennifer know him?”
“Daniel.. I would hope so.. He coached her girls soccer team for over three years.. He doesn’t do it anymore though.”
Daniels eyes never leave the table of Deputy Tyler Malloy. And as he turns towards the exit, Daniel Vickers rises from his seat and excuses himself from the company of the two women, citing that he forgot something in the car and he would return momentarily. Cautiously keeping his distance from Tyler Malloy, he follows him to the parking lot and watches from a distance, and almost as Daniel expects he opens the drivers side door and pulls himself up into the cab of the black pickup truck with the broken side mirror. The sharp cold words reverberate in the back of his mind.
“White hats are a lie Daniel.. White hats are a lie!”
Good guys wear white hats.. Bad guys wear black.. Sheriff’s.. Deputy’s.. Cops.. They were supposed to be good guys.. But THIS white hat was a lie. And now Daniel Vickers was on to him.

Words on a page.

Although he and his two companions dine mostly in silence, a thousand different thoughts are going through the mind of Daniel Vickers. He knows that he would have to be careful in his interrogation of Angela Watson from this moment forward as Deputy Malloy was possibly a friend of hers. And at the same time he needed as much information on this man as he could get. Through some well managed subtlety, he deduced through the evenings conversation that deputy Tyler Malloy was the son in law of Sheriff Leonard Davis of Pleasantville. And he’d coached the girls soccer team that Jennifer was a member of for three years up until the time of her disappearance. he had stopped by a few times in the months that followed to see how Angela Watson was doing and to see if she had heard any new news concerning Jennifer, but as time went on it seemed to Angela Watson that his attention in this matter had waned, and the visits through the years became fewer and fewer . And finally the only people that would even bother giving attention to the case were from the local division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Selma County. On a local level the case had been all but forgotten. Except for Sheriff Leonard Davis himself who would still take the time every so often to circulate missing persons pictures of Jennifer.
They return to the Watson residence shortly after nine pm. And once again Angela Watson invites the young pair to join her for coffee. they sit and the women exchange unrelated small talk leaving Daniel Vickers to his thoughts. He returns to Jennifer’s bedroom and stands in front of the bookcase. Silently his eyes slowly move over every book, searching time and time again for the missing clue. He sits on the bed and rubs his eyes. And his hands slowly return to his knees.
“So tell me.. What’s Missing?”
He yawns and stretches before once again closing his eyes.
“Find the book Daniel.. Find the book and you’ll find the answers.”
“What Book Jen?”
He rises from the edge of Jennifer Watson’s bed.
“Ok.. So lets try a different approach.. What isn’t on a sixteen year old girls bookshelf, that should be there?.. What book is so important to a six-”
He returns to the living room where he finds Sharon Milner and Angela Watson playing cards. And he leans down towards her.
“Miss Watson?”
She looks up at Daniel Vickers smiling.
“Miss Watson.. Did Jennifer keep a diary?”

~Scratch.. A.B.T. copyright © 2008.~

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