Monday, March 21, 2011

Three Souls For the One. Parts 4 - 6 (Revised )


They have been there awhile, for how long exactly he cannot be certain, he thinks that they act like brothers. They argue sometimes, they’re both very, very young, the oldest looks to be in his mid to late teens, he is street wise beyond his years. The younger one looks to be no older than ten or perhaps eleven years of age. In the past two months that Eric Bitters had been staying in this abandoned tower that he has called his cathedral since he was first sent back to Kings Harbor, He has been watching the comings and goings of the two youths for the last two weeks. He has studied them in the darkened hallways as they interact with each other, and he soon discovers that his suspicions are correct. They are brothers. The oldest is called Marcus, he is fifteen, the youngest is nine, his name is Zackary. He studies them from a dark room adjacent to theirs, there is no electricity here, no heat, no workable plumbing. They live hand to mouth, day to day, and Marcus does what he must, to ensure that he and his younger sibling survive here.

The floor is wet in place’s as they are near the very top of this building and the roof is leaking badly. The only source of heat and light comes from a few well placed worn candles, that are used sparingly. Here in the cathedral, voices are being raised. Marcus is scolding Zackary, he has stolen food for them to eat tonight, but took an incredible chance to get it. Marcus tells him often that here in this life, Chances for anything are rare. People like them don’t get many, and they must use them carefully. Eric Bitters decides that he will stay near the two young siblings tonight, there is a long window here in this dark room, he sits on the sill with his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. He stares for a time out the broken window into the dark abyss that has become a prison for so many. Many like Marcus and Zackary, babes in arms, guarding what little piece of the world that they have with all of the strength they can muster. And doing so with a dignity and pride that few adults would ever know.

The prison known to the world as Kings Harbor sleeps tonight, but Eric Bitters knows all too well, that it won’t sleep for long, soon, the inmates will be stirring, and out in numbers looking for prey. Prey like Marcus and Zackary. Marcus is trying to listen patiently to Zackary’s explanation of why he took a chance to get the evenings meal, Marcus isn’t buying it. You do not steal from under the nose of Jinx’s soldiers, the man that owns the market that Zackary has stolen from; has a son that is under Jinx’s employ. Marcus warns him, that if he were to be caught in the act, the son would come looking for him. And where there is one of Jinx’s soldiers, there are many. They dine on the cold deli Sandwiches that Zackary has taken from the one of the markets refrigerators for them to eat, soon the candles grow dim and then the light fades, they both fall into an uneasy sleep, tomorrow will be a new day for the brothers, a new day filled with new opportunities. New Challenges to be met. If they are to stay together they will need to rest.


It is almost 10:00 am, Zachary is slowly making his way through the sparsely crowded sidewalk. he has once again ventured out alone; away from the protection of the cathedral, against his brothers wishes. Marcus is out as well, searching for a legitimate way to make a better life for his younger brother. He fears that Zackary may be becoming too street wise, and his getting into trouble is slowly beginning to escalate. This morning Zackary wanders the streets of Kings Harbor looking for the new opportunities that Marcus spoke of. He can slowly feel it as the painfully familiar signs of hunger begin to slowly burn in his stomach. He knows that soon, he will have to take another one of his chances if he is to eat this morning. He makes his way to 33rd street, there are vendors on the sidewalks selling fresh fish and there are even a few others who have fresh fruit and vegetables to offer. Getting to 33rd street however is a long way off, and it will take him at least two precious hours of the morning just to reach it.

He pushes his way through the small crowd and turns left on Wicker street and begins the trek east towards 33rd. Upon his arrival he sees that it is the busiest time of the morning, most vendors will be too busy tending to the demands of their customers to notice a small boy lifting fruit and vegetables from their tables. He finds a likely candidate and sizes it up, there are four people around the vendor and she doesn’t even see him. He moves in quickly and seizes three small pieces of fruit and smoothly makes his escape. Once clear he begins a slow run to distance himself from 33rd street, two blocks. Three and then four. Now he is becoming tired and he finds an alley to rest in, he pulls one piece of fruit out from under his shirt and shaking, he pulls it up to his mouth and slowly sinks his teeth into the sweet nectarine.
“your pretty smooth kid.”
A voice from the street has entered the alley where Zackary hides. It is a young woman, he recognizes her from 33rd street, she was at the vendors where he stole the fruit .

This morning Zackary’s hunger has made him careless. This morning he was followed. This morning he has been caught. Her name is Athena, the vendor that Zackary stole from was her mother, but oddly enough, Athena isn’t angry, she sits down next to him and smiles. She has a beautiful smile.
“Don’t worry kid.” she tells him “ I’m not taking you back to stand trial or nothing!” she laughs. “ I know what its like to be hungry, and having to steal food shouldn’t have to be a crime.”
He produces a piece of fruit to her and together they sit in the alley and eat. Athena really likes young Zackary, and she soon volunteers to walk him home, they make their way towards Wicker Street. The gateway to Kings Harbor’s true hell. On the way he regales her with stories of his life on the street and she patiently listens, Athena finds him to be a rather charming boy, but they are losing track of time and the day grows dark. Soon it will be nightfall in the district of predators who feed on young boys and pretty innocent women. They have unknowingly attracted the attention of some of the local talent, and now they are being carefully watched and followed.

Rats Among the Ruins

He is there just out of their field of vision, at first they are too busy ushering the beautiful young woman and the small boy in her company into the alley, just past the corner of Wicker and seventh avenue. It is nightfall now, he is in his element. here he is king. Through the misty billows of his own hot breath as it filters through the cold night air, he silently watches from above as the six young men slowly gather around Athena Santini and her new friend Zackary. There is much masculine posturing going on and the leader seems to be the biggest of their brood. He is completely in black leather and towers over the beautiful young Athena. But he is more interested in personal amusement and he motions for a rather short unpleasant looking fellow that they refer to as Pig Iron to have a go at her. He smiles at her through broken yellowish brown teeth that are in some places even black. He is short and fat, and smells of the stench of his own urine and she finds his childish attempts at sexual advances utterly disgusting.

She steps in front of Zackary and squares off with this unpleasant little cretin. It comes completely unexpected to all of the witnesses, especially Eric Bitters, Athena does not back up one step, quite the contrary, she steps forward, towards the giddy little toad known as Pig Iron.
He advances on her, trying to look brave in the eyes of his comrades, but what he gets is humiliation, as Athena Santini drives her Shinbone hard into his crotch, he instinctively doubles over groaning loudly in pain all of the while cupping both hands over his badly wounded testicles, leaving his snotty little pointed nose wide open for her perfectly timed and executed right cross. He is now crumpled up into a ball on the wet alley floor while the other five look on in amazement. The alpha male stands and stares at Athena Santini, now in a different way, he no longer seems to be taken by her beauty, now he is angry.

He produces a knife and slowly advances on her, his four accomplices have begun to close on them as well. Two of them however, have spotted Eric Bitters descending on them and have bravely run away, his appearance has suddenly taken the fight into a darker part of the alley where there is much confusion as to who is doing what and to whom. When as suddenly as it starts, it stops, staggering into the light comes the alpha male, his movements are sluggish and his face is pale, he stares a blank stare at Eric Bitters for a second, until small tear shaped crimson drops of blood slowly ooze from the corners of his lips. He falls forward. Behind him stands a stunned looking Zackary, wielding a bloody knife. The wide eyed stare. The realization that comes with knowing that a life, any life, has been lost and you have taken it. Eric Bitters knows that look all too well, a life is lost. An innocence is shattered. A childhood. Lost forever.

Waiting for the Light

Athena stands behind the bewildered child with both hands resting on his shoulders, he was protecting her. He didn’t know what that bad man was going to do to his new friend. He didn’t really have a choice in the matter. Kill or watch her be killed, adult decisions. Made in the minds of babes. Athena gently takes the knife, Zackary has descended into a weeping shock at the realization of what he has just done. She leads him slowly from the alley and down the dark deserted street, only Marcus would know what to do now. He stands above the dead body of the alpha male, the rain has washed away the crimson spots on the lips of this now dead youth, Eric Bitters cocks his head. Something does not seem right about this young man, he kneels down to closer examine the body, the fingernails on both hands have been manicured recently, and there on his right forefinger is a very expensive looking mans ring,

he places his fingers on the dead youths lips and slowly parts them.. They have been brushed, he is well kept. Now Eric begins to realize that this was no ordinary street soldier, there is something special about him. Eric knows, someone will come looking for the person, and then for revenge. Moments later, Zackary and Athena return to the scene with Marcus in tow, upon seeing the dead body Marcus becomes extremely shaken, and begins to pace back and forth in the alley nervously. Marcus knows this young man, his hands are on top of his head and he has become almost panic stricken.
“Oh My God Zack! What have you done?”
It is then that the reality of the situation provides Eric Bitters with his very own realization..

The dead youth is the son of the crime lord known as Jinx. Marcus accompanies Athena and his younger brother back to the protection of the cathedral. They light what’s left of the candles and Athena and Zackary watch as he nervously paces the floor trying to consider their options.
Marcus knows that Jinx will come looking for his son, and one of the young hoods will tell him who killed him. Jinx will want blood. Zackary’s blood. Eric Bitters listens quietly from the next room as the three young minds begin to formulate a desperate plan to escape from Jinx’s wrath. Zackary will hide in a place beyond 33rd street where only Athena’s Greek and Italian friends will know how to find him. Marcus will walk with them through the night to get Zackary to his sanctuary before dawn and hopefully before Jinx finds out what has happened. Eric Bitters will follow them to ensure their safety.

Halfway through the night time trek to 33rd street, something captures his attention, near a bus stop on a bench there lye’s a news paper, there is a story on the front page about the attempt that was made on Annie Harlow’s life just two nights ago, the police have taken into custody the hired gun that shot and killed Maurice Salazaar. The gunman had in his possession the Ledger that contains the names and numbers of Jinx’s known fencing activities, which means that now the police have the ledger and have begun decoding it. Soon the noose will tighten. It would appear that now there is something else for Jinx to worry about. They are close to 33rd street now, soon he will be following Marcus back to the cathedral.

Dark Faith

He has felt the odd presence of something just out of his reach for the past few days and he knows that someone has been watching his brother Zackary and him. He is sitting in the dark room with his legs crossed, with both feet tucked under his thighs, he sits in alone now, in the middle of the floor pondering his fate. Praying to whatever God may be listening; that his brothers life will be spared in all of this nonsense. Waiting for the sun to rise to give him precious light to live in, in Marcus’s young heart he feels that hope is dying fast, and soon there will be no resolution through which either his brother or him will live.
“You remind me of someone that I used to think that I knew”
Marcus stops in mid thought and quickly raises his head to the cold voice echoing through the empty room.
“I knew you were there. Somewhere in here. Do you work for Jinx?” have you been watching us for him?”

Eric Bitters does not answer at first, he calculates the words, that will ease this tension.
“No Marcus. I work for no one, you have a problem. I think I can help you there, but you will need to trust me.”
The confused youth abruptly rises to his feet, the voice seems cold and as empty as the room he stands in, and has an eerie other worldly feel to it.
“What are YOU going to help me with? What could you give me that I can’t get myself?”
He stops to ponder what he has just asked, already suspecting the answer that will come. “Salvation Marcus.. Salvation.”
There is quiet.
“Yours or mine Spirit?” more silence. And then.

Marcus looks down at the floor, it is as cold and barren as he feels his future to be.
“Salvation? When Jinx comes for my brother and me there will be nothing but spilled blood. Ours.”
He lets Marcus’s words hang for a brief instant.
“You’ve seen Jinx. You’d have had to, to know that the youth in the alley was his son.”
Marcus thinks for a second.
“Yeah, I’ve seen him a few times, been to that place where he holes up too, Beacon Towers I think it’s called. You never seen Jinx?”
There is an even colder silence that follows his question that makes the boy uneasy.
“I’ve seen his work.” Eric Bitters tells him. “Can’t say as I’ve ever had the pleasure of making his acquaintance though. So. You know how to find him. Right?”

He steps slowly out of the shadows and his appearance takes young Marcus by surprise. He takes one step back.
“You. Look. Well. you know?” Eric Bitters leans forward and says with a slight wink.. “You mean I look like this city feels?”
Marcus smiles looking down as though trying not to laugh. He puts a cold hand to the boys shoulder. Now the deadman is not smiling..
“Take me to him Marcus.. Tonight, you will show me where the devil sleeps, and we will end this once and for all.”
Marcus is not smiling now either.
“Are you crazy man? You’ll never get in there a-”

He stops in mid sentence. Eric Bitters is staring at him. And now Marcus realizes.
“The dead have nothing to fear of the living Marcus, my story is too long to share with you. Tonight Jinx’s reign on this city stops. There is evidence in Jinx’s possession that will put him where he belongs forever. Behind a wall of stone and steel bars.”
Marcus is now sitting again. He tells him to get some sleep and he will wake him at 2:00 am. While Marcus sleeps he retrieves a photo from his shirt, and studies it. It is a picture of Marcus, Zackary and their mother. An idea strikes him, and he steps out of the window for a moment, there is a fading phone number on the back of the photo, there is hope. He raises himself into the rain filled sky. If anyone can find this woman, for the boys, Sister Mary Coven is the woman for the Job.

Death in the house of the king.

He watches in disbelief as Eric Bitters slowly ascends into the air and takes himself up to the roof top of Beacon Towers. He has told Marcus to stay clear and return to the cathedral and wait where he would return with evidence for him to take to the authorities. He disappears back into the shadows of the streets leaving Eric Bitters to the task of collecting evidence. But he has not simply come here for evidence. Something inside of the deadman burns him to the core. He has long heard the name of this monster connecting him to thousands of crimes, many of which were murders of innocent street people. he waste’s no time dispatching with the pitiful excuse for a security system and finds access into the crime lords lair painfully easy. There are three security guards on hand to guard the entire twenty something floor structure, apparently the feeling is that Jinx fears no one. Nobody after all- would be foolish enough to challenge him in his own palace.

He gains entry on the first attempt and renders the guards unconscious and bounds and gags them in the storage room off of the kitchen. There are vulgar displays of unbelievable wealth all around him. Fine furnishings and marble flooring reach out to every room as far as the eye can see, golden rails line spiral staircases that lead to each new floor along with lushly red crushed velvet lined elevator cars. He takes the first staircase and begins to climb up to where Jinx is. He knows his gut will be his guide. He has climbed all of the way to the top floor, twenty four to be exact, then through a crackled door he hears the faint echoes of opera music slowly waffling through the still air, he sees a lone figure sitting at a desk writing in a black ledger. There are nine others stacked beside it, and when Eric Bitters enters the room the figure abruptly stands. And he comes face to face with the true monster.

But the Monster doesn’t react like a monster, but more like a frightened child. He beckons for his paid thugs to come to his aid. And Eric Bitters Shakes his head no.
“Its finished Jinxy boy, you’re finished.”
He produces a hand gun and fires it at the pale intruder, but he keeps coming. Jinx keeps firing. Eric Bitters keeps coming. Now he is screaming incoherently making threats at him, all of the while running down the hallway to escape. No more nightmares. No more victims. The endless cycle of self perpetuating violence stops here. Tonight. He keeps running. Eric Bitters keeps coming. The city will sleep in peace from this day forth. The healing starts here. The death, the plunder, what has begun here ends here.
"Only one escape. Me. Take a good look Mr Jinx. I am everything that got you to where you are. Death. Pain. Despair."

“What are you? What are you d.. doing. Here?”
"Scarred Jinx? Poor frightened little boy?"
The marble floor is cold under his bare feet and towards the end of the hall Jinx struggles to maintain his footing near the stained glass window pane at the very end. Eric Bitters is closing in on him, he is slipping.
He looks up as though all of time and space has stopped.
“Its time to go Jinx.”
Times up.
“B- but I’m. Not. Ready?”
His body falls backwards into the shards of breaking glass as he falls through the window. He falls for what seems like an eternity.. The rain stops almost in the air as though to witness the spectacle. Eric Bitters stands and stares through his misty breath at the sight below him. Jinx lies still on the side walk below. The rain returns. And now there is nothing.


He is almost to the point of exhaustion, he has turned in the ledgers that Eric Bitters provided him to the authorities. He did it as he was told to, Someone gave him twenty dollars to turn the ledgers in. and when the desk sergeant turned his back for a second Marcus was out the door and down the street before the cops were any the wiser. With jinx dead it was only a matter of time before his co conspirators were drug into the light. Now there is a light rain falling, almost a mist, as he turns towards the cathedral on Tenth Avenue. Zackary stands out in front of the building waiting for Marcus to return. He walks up to his younger brother confused.
“Zackary? How did you?
Sister Mary Coven introduces herself to Marcus, and confesses that she has brought him here and that someone has been waiting to see them.

The woman that they have not seen in over a year since the siblings ran away to escape their abusive step father, appears in the doorway of the cathedral. She stands alone waiting for the reactions of her sons.
They rush to her side and the three share a heart felt hug. She will take her boys home where she lives alone, and she will feed them and keep them safe from predators. They will be a family. Tonight the young siblings will be safe. Sister Mary Coven looks up at the lone figure silently watching the three family members get into the taxi from the top of the cathedral. And as it disappears around the corner, Sister Mary wishes to herself that her boy could come home too.

~Scratch..A.B.T. Copyright© 2006.~

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Three Souls For the One. Parts 1 - 3 (Revised )

Kings Harbor.

In all of his twenty five years of living, he has only truly regretted one thing. Being born. The life of a street hood is not an easy one, especially for someone like Eric Bitters. For this street hood has something that no one in this chosen profession would ever dare possess, a conscience. on this night- not unlike most others, it is dark and bitterly cold. The rain has been a constant presence here for as long as he can remember; no seasons changing to speak of, no summer or winter. The only constant seemed to be the endless drizzle of cold lifeless liquid; that seemed to cascade slowly down the flat surfaces of the towering buildings around him. He has spent his entire life here in this dark cold and dreary existence. Concrete and steel walls that form the canyons of the city that is his lifelong prison, it is called Kings Harbor. On this night one of his closest friends a young man by the name of Ian Specter has convinced him; that this would be the best night to prey on a small neighborhood market that they have been casing.

He is waiting in the rain for the small black compact to pull up that Ian drives. It is almost dark outside when it pulls up to the curb where he has been waiting for the past twenty minutes. When Specter’s tall 6ft plus frame emerges from the vehicle; he can feel it almost instantly, something isn’t right. He has brought only one gun for the proposed robbery, for himself.
Ian being the larger of the two will enter the market last, for he will bring with him the most suspicion from the cashier and whatever small number of patrons might be present. Eric Bitters will enter first and spray paint over the lenses of the security cameras so they won’t be captured on film. Then the rest will be in the hands of fate, and will largely depend on how many in the market will be smart enough to survive beyond this night.

The Brave will die first, Ian is counting on it. They pull up in front of the building that stands next to the market and step out into the cold rainy night. Eric enters the market and sprays the camera lenses, followed immediately by Ian; who upon entering draws his weapon and points it at the cashier.
The Money!! NOW!!” he commands.
The cashier is a small man who looks and sounds to be Arabic; He backs away slowly holding his hands above his head. When he does not respond to Specter’s commands, without hesitation he fires his weapon at the head of the cashier. The bullet strikes him between the eyes killing him instantly. A woman lets out a scream, startled, they both turn towards the sound and there standing in front of the dairy section is a young black woman. She is pregnant, Ian turns the gun towards her, and again without hesitation, he fires the weapon. this is when fate steps in.

Eric Bitters makes a fateful decision he steps in front of the woman at the precise moment that the weapon is discharged; and he can feel it as the bullet rips through his upper torso. He looks up at Ian in only slight disbelief, Ian is smiling at him. Right before he fires a second bullet into Eric Bitters, just before fleeing and leaving him to die. He staggers out the door of the market with both hands clutching at his wounds and collapses onto the cold rain soaked concrete side walk, the sounds of approaching sirens echo through the canyon’s of his steel and concrete prison. faintly at first, then they are slowly becoming louder. But he doesn’t hear the sounds now, he is on his hands and knees, watching as the red liquid from his fatal wounds slowly merge with the small puddles of rain that have fallen from the sky. He closes his eyes. Now there is nothing.


He is now surrounded by his emptiness, in a world completely void of sight and sound, nothing to fear, not love, not pain, nor loneliness. Now there is nothing.
“Time to wake up Eric.”
His eyes are closed tightly.
“No- I’m.. not ready.”
“Open your eyes Eric.”
“I- I can’t.”
“There is no more fear Eric. Don’t you remember us telling you that?”
He is slowly beginning to feel something just at his fingertips, he is still on his hands and knees, only he doesn’t feel the rain anymore. The surface that he is touching is smooth like glass; only cold and almost damp, like granite or marble.

He has slowly opened his eyes and a reflection begins to seep into what has now become his consciousness. There is a person staring up at him from the floor that he does not recognize, he has long black hair and eyes that are equally as black, his skin is as white as snow, this reflection carry’s with it the scent of death, and as he lifts his fingers to touch his own face, Eric Bitters realizes. The reflection is his own.
“Do you know where you are Eric?” At first he doesn’t answer.
“H- Hell?”
“No Eric. Not exactly.”
He continues to stare at his own reflection in disbelief on the floor beneath him.
“Surely. Not heaven.” he answers.

“No Eric. You are not ready for those places. Your true fate has as of yet to be determined, only then will you continue down your path towards your final destination.”
He raises his eyes. They squint against the blackness around them, to try to see the forms of the voices that seem to know everything about him, he sees nothing.
“How will my fate be determined if I’m already dead?”
“ Eric. Do you recall the last minute before he shot you? Think about that Eric. Up to that point you were almost lost. Your fate had already been determined, don’t you remember Eric? one simple little act completely changed your course.”
He thinks for a moment. But it doesn’t come to him at first..

“The woman Eric. The pregnant woman is alive because you stepped in front of that bullet to save her. In that instant you changed your destiny. With that single act of selflessness you have bought yourself a second chance at redemption. You will be sent back to Kings Harbor in your present state, to save three innocents from the very fate that you almost made for yourself. You will save them Eric, you will save them if you have any hope of saving yourself from the damnation that you so fear. Three souls for one Eric.. that’s the deal. Save them to save yourself. you will go home Eric. Again.”

Return to Kings Harbor.

He once again closes his eyes, only this time when he opens them up he once again finds himself in the hell hole called Kings Harbor. He is not on the ground however, but finds himself perched above the city on top of one of its many abandoned buildings. He is forty two stories in the air over looking tenth street not far from where his life had originally ended. it is still as he remembers it. Raining heavily, dark. Ominous. The feeding grounds of the human refuse that prey on those who have no will to -or simply cannot fight back. Here his new destiny will begin, he sits outside, his bare feet pressed against the facade of his very own cathedral, he knows that the rain brings with it the almost unbearable cold but he doesn’t feel it anymore, he can’t, for Eric Bitters is dead. And dead men don’t feel, even those with a purpose.


He is hanging over the edge of the smooth surface of the wall of one of the tenements of the Reinstroke section of east German town. A district of Kings Harbor so named because the thugs that inhabit it are so bad; Not even the Nazis would never think of going in there after dark . But Eric Bitters is no ordinary man, on this night he is restless. Something pulls at him from unseen directions forcing him to haunt the rain filled night. The raw feelings of a helpless innocent has pulled him to this place, he has heard from his rooftop perch the whimpers of this victim. Even though he is not as of yet certain if this will be the first of the Three or not; he knows he can not stand idly by and do nothing to ease their suffering whatever it should turn out to be. He hears the voices more clearly now and as he turns his head away from the falling rain, he can hear three distinctly different voices total.

They all belong to males, two appear to be young street thugs and the third is an older fellow, perhaps a homeless man. As he cocks his head to the side, he can hear the distinct sound of metal clicking against metal; as the hammer of pistol is pulled back into its firing position. He knows that he has very little time and he steps off the ledge of the rooftop and follows the rain to the man made canyon floor below. He lands in between the gunman and the innocent, his black eyes stare at them through the falling rain. At first they simply look at him in disbelief but the one with the weapon will not be so easily deterred; he points the gun at Eric Bitters and fires. when the bullet hits him and does nothing, the gunman and his accomplice know that they are staring into the eyes of death. They become afraid, the gun falls to the ground and they flee. He turns to the homeless man and helps him to his feet.

He now knows that this is not one of the three souls. He is certain that no further threat or harm will come to this man tonight. So he returns to the cathedral on the corner of Center Street and Tenth Avenue, where he waits patiently in the dark skies above Kings Harbor for the sign of the first soul . He doesn’t have to wait long, she is yet another deserted child of the streets, that has fallen through the cracks of an inadequate system; that cannot seem to properly identify the young girls problems. They have seen her in and out of child services, all in all ten times before the age of fourteen. It seems to be all the excuse that they require for her abandonment. She is left to her own young demons here in the valley of the downtrodden and the homeless. Nothing more than a street urchin left to fend for herself through whatever means she finds necessary. much to Annie Harlow’s credit, she has not yet resorted to prostitution. There is hope for thirteen year old Annie Harlow, which means there is hope for Eric Bitters.


Here in this scarred city, crime is rampant, though a fair amount can be contributed to lowly street thugs. Most can be traced back to one feared name, he is known simply as Jinx; and he runs the biggest crime syndicate in Kings Harbor. His soldiers are everywhere shaking down small business’s in every corner of the city; squeezing them for protection money. Those who do not comply are burnt out of business. Eric Bitters is quite familiar with Jinx’s minions, he has had dealings with them in the past, but has never feared them the way others do. Annie Harlow has also heard the name Jinx, usually spoken in frightened whispers by destitute street people who live in fear of the crime lords soldiers. Soldiers, who seem to be everywhere they turn. This night she has shoplifted some small portions of food from one of the local merchants; this time she wasn’t caught, tonight she will have food in her belly. Equally Important to her, she will have food to give to her older homeless friend Endora,

But even as Annie Harlow makes her way along the sidewalks of Center Street, she has no idea what lye’s in store for her just three blocks ahead. There is a man standing on the cold empty street corner, his name is Maurice Salazaar; moments ago Maurice was on the pay phone four blocks from Summit Street, striking up a deal with his now former employer Jinx. Maurice has in his possession one of ten different ledgers; that contains names and numbers involved in every major fencing operation in the city. A ledger that he has stolen from Jinx while under his employ. he has told Jinx over the phone that he will return the Ledger for the price of three million dollars, to which Jinx almost too easily agrees. They agree to meet at a location that is mutually exclusive to both party’s involved, again Jinx agrees to meet with him personally to ensure the safe return of his property.

Maurice names a corner on Center Street and Columbus Avenue to where It would be safe for him. Maurice Salazaar has made a deal with the devil and has taken him at his word. Jinx tells him over the phone that he is on his way with the money and will arrive shortly. As he hangs up the phone and heads for the corner of Center and Columbus, Maurice straitens his tie confidently, unaware that his and young Annie Harlow’s lives are about to intersect. And as he walks along, Maurice begins to think about how he will soon be living on easy street. But his greed has clouded his judgment, and what Maurice fails to realize is that he will be lucky if he lives through this night. Eric Bitters watches and waits. For he knows Annie Harlow must not become a part of this.

The first stone

He watch’s as Annie makes her way along the deserted sidewalk, the rain has briefly stopped. but the air still carry’s a severe chill with it, she is thinking about her friend Endora. One of the few friends that she has. As her young mind wanders, she is completely unaware that she is no more than one and a half blocks away from a path changing event. She doesn’t even notice the sleek black sedan as it slowly rolls by her on its way to the corner of Columbus Avenue and Center Street. Eric Bitters however, has been watching the whole time. He sits up on the fire escape of one of the corner buildings, peering through his own frosty billows of breath as each passes through his black cold dead lips. He is watching for Annie now, he now has that luxury. He'd gotten ahead of her just ten minutes ago, so he could wait to steer her from harms path. now he plays a slight waiting game, for he still isn’t sure if she is the first of the three souls, but it isn’t about that now, now for him at least, it is about the young girls safety.

If Annie Harlow turns the corner, Eric Bitters will become her protector. If not he will be forced to keep searching for the first of three. For Maurice Salazaar there will be no protector; for he is trying to extort money from the devil himself. A very risky endeavor at best. Eric watches as the black sedan slowly rolls to a stop. Maurice Salazaar approaches it and produce’s the ledger; and he is shot dead by an unseen gunman inside of the vehicle for his trouble. He no longer sees Annie Harlow on the sidewalk, and as the man gets out of the vehicle to retrieve the ledger from the dead fingers of Maurice Salazaar, he sees Annie through the open door of the black sedan. Eric knows that they have taken her so she can be eliminated as a possible witness to the murder of Maurice Salazaar. Now his anger begins to surface, and he leaps through the air towards the sedan,

He must strike before they can move it, if he doesn’t, he knows that Annie Harlow will die this night. He lands hard on the hood of the sedan; and sees the now petrified driver through the wind shield of the vehicle. He has produced a weapon and now has it trained on the form of Eric Bitters, he fires, but his target seems unharmed by the direct hit, startled he tries again. A cold white fist has driven itself through the windshield of the vehicle completely shattering it; and now has his gun hand in a ice cold death grip. he can feel his fingers and palm being crushed around the contours of the weapon, he tries to scream, but the pain is ungodly, and the sound freezes in his throat. The driver struggles through the pain with the door handle, it clicks and the door swings open as his left foot finds its way clear of the sedan, his hand has been shattered too, but is no longer in the clutches of the death grip, he is now free. free to run and live to tell this tale.

Of saints and sinners.

The lone gunman in the back seat has drug Annie from the vehicle at gun point. Now he presses the barrel of the revolver into her temple; as he nervously looks around for the form of Eric Bitters. but he is no where to be seen, not confined by what he sees, the gunman knows he is still being watched by Bitters. He is behind Annie Harlow now, his free arm is around her chest and with his hands full of her long blond locks he holds her close to him. He knows. She is all that stands between him and a cold rainy death tonight.
“Come out where I can see you or I do the girl! right here! right now!” It is right then that he knows. As Eric Bitters knows. He has lost control of the situation. Patience Eric.. He isn’t going to do anything stupid.. She’s all that he has.. He knows.. As Eric Bitters knows. He waves the gun in the air . Slowly making small circles with it, trying every direction at once. Losing control.. One breath at a time. He closes his eyes. The voices return. Patience Eric. Not yet. The rain returns now too, this time he can feel that cold familiar moisture as it touch’s his white face. His eyes close even tighter and now he can feel Annie Harlow’s fear. “hush little baby. Now don’t say a word.. Daddy’s gonna buy you a mocking bird.” Annie takes matters into her own hands. This night. She stops being a victim.

With all of the venom she can muster, she sinks her teeth into his free hand, he screams out in pain and drops the gun, now angered, he strikes her hard with the back of his hand knocking her to the ground. He turns to retrieve the weapon and regain the control of the situation, that he never had from the beginning. He finds only Eric Bitters cold fingers wrapped tightly around his throat, Brave little Annie. She has given him the only opening that he needs. No gun. No more victims. No more pain to deal to those who have long suffered enough. The gunman’s feet slowly rise from the ground as the cold fingers tighten even more around his throat. He can feel his own life slowly slipping away from him, the breath is leaving his body.. Suddenly Bitters slams him into the wet brick wall releasing his grip on the gunman’s throat. he lie’s there in the garbage whimpering and gasping for air in the same exact instant.

He feels Eric Bitters breath in his ear, his words are crisp and as cold as the rain itself.
“It doesn’t take strength to hurt. Not hurting people takes strength. Remember to thank your creator. You will live through yet another night. Repent. Or lose your soul forever.”
He walks over to where Annie Harlow is lying unconscious. His arms cradle her body as he lifts her from the ground he slowly pulls them both into the night sky as he tries to think of what’s next for her. It is then that a memory strikes him. A memory of a church. Not far from his own, memories of a remarkable woman who lived for the soul purpose in life of helping others. A remarkable woman named Sister Mary Coven. He arrives at the back door of the first Baptist Church of Sandoval Street. Sister Mary Coven answers. She doesn’t recognize the young man but she knows that the gift that he has placed in her arms is priceless. She raises her head to thank him but he is gone from sight, she steps slightly out the door and stares momentarily up into the dark rain filled sky.. And sister Mary knows..

Scratch. A.B.T. Copyright© 2006.

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